Un groupe d’investisseurs et d’entrepreneurs a entrepris ce projet audacieux de culture de camerises ou baies de miel sur deux terres agricoles au Yukon. Puis avec l’aide de Synergie Industries et de ses experts recrutés, l’entreprise a pu optimiser la récolte des baies ainsi que le développement et la production de produits à valeur ajoutée tels que le vin, le jus et la confiture de camerises pour le marché local et l’exportation. L’idée d’exporter des produits agricoles à valeur ajoutée et même du vin du Nord est devenue réalité.
2018-02-28 « Dear Olivier, Thank you very much for organizing our second BAB session as part of the Yukon Business Development Program. I was very satisfied with the two experts that visited, and can’t thank you, and the program enough, for how much insight was provided in such a short period of time. (….) YBF intends to implement many of the suggestions that were identified. We are very grateful for having been chosen to participate in this program as it will undoubtedly be one of the key contributors to the success of our business. Many thanks, Kyle President – Yukon Berry Farms »
2017-11-06 « Hi Olivier, Just wanted to thank you very much for your great work and helping make this all happen. I found this program very beneficial for our business. I liked from the beginning how quickly things progressed. Business moves fast and the YBDP is clearly designed to keep up. I also liked that a social component was built into the program and that we got to know the visiting experts better before diving head first into the business session. This made for a much more comfortable atmosphere since we had a chance to build a rapport. All in all I’m very satisfied with the program and look forward to implementing some of the suggestions and possibly having another BAB at some point in the near future. Thanks again, Kyle »
2017-11-06 « Hi Olivier, As explained to me, I found the concept of helping companies for several years with recurring BAB meetings an exciting proposition. I think there are many programs in Canada that offer advice to start up companies but I’m not so sure that they do such a thorough job. I found that the whole experience was well-planned. We got to visit the Farms, and talked to Kyle about them. We were able to have general discussions at dinners and at the agriculture event. The existence of the BAB documents prior to the meetings and the visit helped get my mind around what the Yukon Berry Farms was proposing to do and allowed me to think of several areas to give advice. Surprisingly, the day of the big business advisory Board meeting was not boring and allowed ample time for discussion and thinking through various aspects of the business proposals. By having a mixture of participants in the business, personnel running the program, and outside experts I think we were able to come up with some pretty good ideas and suggestions. I appreciate the hard work that went into arranging all this that Olivier did. I also appreciate that he took time to show us a few sites around Whitehorse which helped create a more friendly atmosphere. The experience certainly made me feel willing to participate in such a program in the future if my expertise is needed. Cheers, Dr. Bob Bors »
2017-11-14 « Hi Olivier This BAB session was very well organized in terms of both logistics and participants; ideas were exchanged and information was shared in every occasion: on the sidelines of the conference, in boardroom, on dinner table, even in hot springs. Business discussions mixed with social activities to build rapport between the business and BAB members. In addition, Olivier did a great job coordinating with Agriculture Conference organizer and leveraging resources of other partners by inviting two more experts attending the conference to join us in the BAB session. Each participant brought several years of experience and expertise in their respective fields to the BAB session, and it provided a great learning opportunity for every one. As the Project Manager of YBDP, Olivier not only kept the discussions focused on topics of interest to the business, but also facilitated the session by asking quality questions to lead to more meaningful discussions. Thanks Chaofeng »