Synergie provides invaluable expertise through customized assistance to successfully and profitably ensure that your products are designed, manufactured, and sold to your target markets or your services are customized and carried out efficiently with the gratitude of yours.
Who We Are
Synergie Industries offers you a series of complementary corporate, entrepreneurial or public services, all geared to implementing best practices that will optimize the success of your products or services in the marketplace.
Our Services

For businesses
Our services focus on our client’s needs. From corporate management restructuring, project development, human resource optimisation, Lean manufacturing and management, financial planning, national and international expansion and many more, Synergie will assist our clients in achieving their goals in any department, division, company or project.

For investors

For NGOs and public organizations
We have worked with and for several First Nation organizations. We understand Final Agreements, government to government relations, and the importance of ensuring economic development corporations working on behalf of their nations are optimizing their opportunities. Non-governmental organizations and public organisations hire Synergie for any help such as strategic assistance, advice or management support.
Entrepreneurs are the experts of their business, but to grow or improve it to its full potential, a lot of other expertise is needed.
Why To Work With Us

Over 27 years of unique experience
- A customized support designed for our client’s specific needs
- A support provided by a team and a global network of skilled and experienced senior advisors, interim-managers and experts.
- Possible interactive Senior Advisory Board sessions
- Flexible payment options that fit your budget
These unique development approaches prepares your organization to be brought to the next level.

Pool of experts and professionals without limit
The Senior Advisory Board sessions are the key to unlocking your organisation’s potential. Expertise is sourced to find our clients the best advisors possible who genuinely understand the business you are in, the challenges you may face, or aspirations you have. They will offer their insights to assist with developing the client’s implementation plan, offering strategies to overcome challenges and trade secrets of proven success.
For 12 years, Synergie recruited over 277 experts in the form of over 128 Senior Advisory Board sessions. With its team and experts network around the world, Synergie can provide you with all the expertise you need whatever the domain.
« Olivier,
This was another successful session. Some extraneous circumstances, when at first were considered to be detrimental, resulted in a more cohesive group dynamic. (….)
I am looking forward to getting feedback from the BAB members I was delighted at the amount of information, the quality of it, and the open candor with which Simon contributed it. Once I get the leads and contacts that Simon can supply, I will be immediately working on contacting them. (…)
Joan’s contribution tended to be higher level thinking while Simon and Karen focussed more on operations and tactical points. This is exactly as I suspected. Moving forward it is important to concentrate on the things that have made us successful and also to understand which ones of those things will be best leveraged in a new, more competitive environment.
Once I have the follow-up from all members, we will begin our journey into defining our strategies as we move forward.
Thanks again for your input and leadership in putting these session together. »
« Olivier I met G. H. yesterday,. She spoke extensively about the value of your role through YBDP and that you were « the magic » that made it so powerful. She said to say hello »
Colette Acheson
”We have gained so much in the process that it is really hard to express to you the gratitude we feel.
Olivier Pellegrin, business advisor and project manager has gone above and beyond to help us to move ahead in our business goals. He organized our Business plan, Business Advisory Board meeting, facilitated the meeting and agreements. (..). Without Olivier I don’t think we would have progressed to the point we are at. He has assisted us with every area of our business. His expertise is vast (….).
I would recommend that this program be extended to other business in the Yukon. Sometimes in small business you can feel overwhelmed and find it difficult to move forward because there are always other priorities and obstacles but the BAB has pushed us in a positive direction and helped us define our goals with clarity. The support and advice has left us feeling like we have a community of advisors that we can call on at anytime to help us answer questions that go beyond our expertise.
Thank-you very much we really appreciate all your assistance.”
« Olivier,
I really enjoyed participating in the BAB session at Kluane Lake these last few days. I feel the session was a nice mix of fun and work that was beneficial to the Clients (Sian and Lance).
You brought us together and allowed Ben and my self to engage with Sian and Lance in an open format. We took on the crucial issues facing Icefield Discovery and thrashed over the issues.
I liked the way that you allowed the dialogue to be open and yet focussed on business problems. Your experience with previous BAB sessions was evident and helpful. I think you did a superb job in facilitating this event.
It would have been better if the lady with the tourism background had not cancelled out at the last minute. Nevertheless we carried on and accomplished a great deal.
The food was great and I enjoyed the hike on Sheep Mountain.
Merci beaucoup.
Norman »
“Hi Olivier, we appreciate your support. Following our BAB sessions it helped us focus our IT and Operations teams to achieve this milestone.
We look forward to providing our customers with more choices and a seamless improved customer experience.
By the way we just received a call from Shakil, Michael and Ravindar expressing congratulations as well.
Thanks again,
“Hi Cam, Doug, Rick & Olivier,
The BAB session experience was excellent. Tom and I learned a number of valuable lessons during the two-day session that will help focus our team on this exciting project.
It is just starting to snow outside right now … so its getting us even more fired up to get cracking. Those Mega Doors would go over great with our guys right about now!
I especially enjoyed the Cascade facility and Carsen Air, both presented invaluable inspiration and learning moments. Rick thanks for making this happen for us. And Cam and Doug your 3D modeling of the size, spacial and human considerations in addition to technical expertise was great. We look forward to taking these lessons to the next level.
Best Regards,
Debra Ryan”
“As our company approaches a milestone in its development (…), we feel compelled to write in support of the highly effective pilot program that has greatly contributed to our company’s success.
As beneficiaries of the program, we believe the YBDP is an efficient and effective business development program worthy of evolving from a pilot initiative. In our opinion this is due to three main factors: the program’s inclusiveness and its ability to be flexible or adaptable; the program’s focus on enabling participants while leveraging skills and resources; and, the program’s ability to foster a vested interest in participating companies through networking and the formation of Business Advisory Boards (BAB).
Unlike many business development initiatives, the TBDP is inclusive and integrates expertise both from within government and from the private sector. The integration of these, sometimes diverse, perspectives provides well rounded guidance for new companies or companies that are trying to achieve the next level of success.
Typically programs are designed in a manner that proponents must conform to them and not the other way around. While we understand and respect the need for accountability and due process, especially in regards to the use of public funds to encourage the development of private business, we feel that the efficacy of many programs is lost in the process. In our opinion, programs should be adaptable enough to accommodate a spectrum of needs in order to achieve overall goals. The YBDP has been flexible enough to accommodate our changing needs and we believe this has translated into achieving efficiency and effectiveness as a program, as well as our overall goals.
The YBDP has enabled us to help ourselves and it has increased our own capacity to sustain our business. It has leveraged the skills and resources available to us which has in turn leveraged what we could have accomplished on our own. The contacts and credibility we have gained in the process will survive long after our involvement with the YBDP is ends.
Finally, and what we believe is the real genius behind the YBDP as a program, it has connected us to others within our industry in a meaningful way that has developed a vested interest in our business. To put this statement in context, through the YBDP we have been connected to experts within the apparel industry that have taken a professional interest in our business through their involvement in our YBDP Business Advisory Board (BAB) sessions. This has translated into real help and assistance that in most cases money just couldn’t buy!
Thank you for this opportunity to support a valuable program that has contributed so much to our emerging business. I hope that you and your colleagues are able to ensure the program’s longevity and that others are able to benefit from this program as much as we have. Please feel free to contact us with any questions and share our sentiments with whomever you deem appropriate.”
“Good morning Olivier,
Thank you for all of the work that you put into organizing the B.A.B. over the past months, as well as your own participation this weekend. I realize that it’s not an easy task, and that it is a significant time investment for all parties involved. The session itself was invaluable to me; both in terms of independent perspectives from the board members as well as their significant expertise. After finishing last night, I was left with a concrete set of plans that will help the company to manage it’s current, relatively rapid growth. In particular, I was impressed that the focus of the group was on specific actions, rather than broad mission statements or bureaucratic policies/procedures. The difference in our day to day operations will be significant.
Warm Regards
Lee Randell, Chief Operating Officer”
« Hi there Olivier,
Many thanks for organising the BAB session. Both, Dorian and I got a tremendous amount out of it and find ourselves refreshed although slightly daunted at the road ahead. We felt it went very well and was for us successful.
Look forward to hearing from you,
Sincerely, Bridget »
« (…)
Thanks again Olivier for all your support, especially last year. I think that I would have decided to close the business after this season if it hadn’t have been for your encouragement and words of wisdom!
Kind regards
Amanda Harris
Discovery Yukon Lodgings »
“Well done Olivier – thanks again for all the hard work that you do for the YBDP and for your clients.
You are making a difference for these businesses and the work you’re doing is invaluable to them.
Shannon McNevin”
“Hi Olivier,
I have been mulling this over and am still of the mindset that it was a great first session, you did well in picking the people to assist me and I feel much more comfortable in my position and direction moving forward. The ride was long both ways, but it did its job to make us all comfortable with each other which I completely understand is important to create the camaraderie that is needed for these sessions. We are trying to implement some of the discussion items now, and I look forward to the recommendations and my next session.
Great job,
Thank you!
« Olivier,
I am working on my report and will send the report hopefully sometime next week.
Thank you very much for inviting me; I really enjoyed attending, and I believe that we can collectively provide some very good assistance to Sian and Lance.
It was also very fun to collaborate with you and Norm; I think we make a good team!
Ben »
“Good Morning Olivier
Rolland and I were very pleased to be able to meet with Mark and Joe (i.e. SAB experts). We are looking forward to their reports and also the contacts they can provide.
Over all the session went well and has provided some insights as to where we need to focus.
Thank you for help in putting this all together.
Best Regards,
“ Hi Olivier:
Thanks for your insight (….). We have managed to turn our results around dramatically during 2015 and expect to post a record profit for the year. Although our improved results are largely as a result of lower fuel prices, our diversification strategy and the addition of F.L. as a Board Advisor and R.N. as a Chief Operating Officer have all contributed to our success this year. These initiatives all resulted from the BAB program and we thank you for your efforts and involvement with this.
All the best
«Olivier I wanted to follow up initially with thanks, but also with some feedback and comments on our meetings over the last few months.
As I’ve already mentioned I really appreciated you taking the time to come for a site visit during the season. I was feeling despondent, helpless and very much alone this summer. Your initial visit made me focus on the positive, as you gave me some alternative avenues to explore. You then encouraged me to apply for the YBDP support. As we know the committee decided that DYL wasn’t the right fit for the program. It was very disappointing, as it would be have been a wonderful opportunity to develop the business.
Despite this set back, you have continued to include the company in your brain storming sessions, and have come up with some interesting ideas and suggestions. Some of which have already been explored to no end, but others are very viable options which I will be examining in more detail over the coming months. (…)
Olivier, if I could give you a vote of thanks for your guidance you would receive 100 marks out of 10! Your support, encouragement and vision has opened up areas that I could not of thought of by myself as I am too preoccupied in the day to day affairs of running the business.
Glad you thought it was worth a try to keep the door open with the government partners – there is nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I am feeling much more positive and energised now that I’ve had some days off!
Thanks as always Olivier – you have been a special gift to me!
Thanks again.
Kindest regards
Amanda Harris
Discovery Yukon Lodgings »
« Dear Olivier,
Thank you very much for organizing our second BAB session as part of the Yukon Business Development Program.
I was very satisfied with the two experts that visited, and can’t thank you, and the program enough, for how much insight was provided in such a short period of time.
YBF intends to implement many of the suggestions that were identified. We are very grateful for having been chosen to participate in this program as it will undoubtedly be one of the key contributors to the success of our business.
Many thanks,
President – Yukon Berry Farms »
« Hi Olivier
This BAB session was very well organized in terms of both logistics and participants; ideas were exchanged and information was shared in every occasion: on the sidelines of the conference, in boardroom, on dinner table, even in hot springs. Business discussions mixed with social activities to build rapport between the business and BAB members.
In addition, Olivier did a great job coordinating with Agriculture Conference organizer and leveraging resources of other partners by inviting two more experts attending the conference to join us in the BAB session. Each participant brought several years of experience and expertise in their respective fields to the BAB session, and it provided a great learning opportunity for every one. As the Project Manager of YBDP, Olivier not only kept the discussions focused on topics of interest to the business, but also facilitated the session by asking quality questions to lead to more meaningful discussions.
Chaofeng »
“Klondike Kate’s could not have realized this (n.e.: all their improvements), without the financial help and great management consultation and support from Olivier Pellegrin. We would like to express our support for this excellent project in the hope to make it a permanent one as all the Yukon business would benefit from this.
We would like to thank YBDP for their support towards our business.
Josée Savard”
“Dear Olivier,
Thank you very much for all of your support. I cannot express how valuable it is to us. Your time, and your expertise are a tremendous asset to Icefield Tools.
Warm Regards,
Lee Randell”
« Olivier,
On behalf of Lumel Studios thank you very much for your work on the BAB session this past weekend. From the selection of the advisors through the overall structure and approach to the sessions your expertise resulted in a very positive environment for the brainstorming and giving / receiving of feedback.
Your facilitation kept the sessions moving at a good pace and made very good use of the time allotted to the itinerary. We also appreciate the inclusion of informal activities to create an environment conducive to free-flowing discussion and sharing of general information plus the opportunity to get to know each other.
We look forward to seeing the report out from the participants as we refine our short, mid and long term strategies for Lumel Studios.
Best regards,
Luann, Shanta and Mel
Lumel Studios Ltd. »
I just came back from the Yukon on Sunday…the trip went very well and I most enjoyed working with Olivier Pellegrin – what a class guy…and the new team at Icefield Tools – Lee Randell and A.M….
I believe that we provided them valuable insight in growing their business profitably.
Olivier also organized a fishing trip which gave me a chance to see the territory and then participate in some dinners… All and all it was a thoroughly enjoyable trip and I felt that I made a contribution to the development and growth of Icefield Tools.
Thanks for the support…
“With the support of the YBDP we have managed to stay at the forefront of what’s happening internationally and while we are still waiting for reclamation mega-projects such as the Alaska pipeline or the Alberta oil sands to materialize, we are ensuring that we gain experience and profile on smaller projects in the north like the Carmacks Stewart and Minto Spur Transmission Line and the Faro Mine site. In my opinion, the YBDP helps maximize the local entrepreneur’s abilities and significantly increase the potential for faster growth.”
“Yukon Brewing Company has made use of the YBDP to participate in two Business Advisory Board (BAB) sessions. The first, in October of 2007, brought experienced distillers to the Yukon – we spent two days with these participants, picking their brains to fill in our skeletal Business Plan. We learned where more work was needed and where answers were still missing, and set about filling these gaps through the winter of 2007/08. Beer season 2008 arrived, and our focus was back on beer for the summer, but by early fall we were on the verge of ordering equipment. In other words, we would be spending money instead of just time on the project – a good time for another review. Through YBDP we were able to participate in a second BAB session, this one at a distillery in southern Alberta. More questions, more answers, and more confidence in our Business Plan. We felt that we were developing the knowledge base to avoid most of the mistakes that others had made or seen.
In our opinion, this program fit our needs to a tee – we had a Business Plan, written in-house and well understood. However, it had gaps, including missing information and assumptions. We were able to analyze the Plan, identify the gaps, and collect them into a single list. The program then enabled us to find answers to these questions in a group setting with qualified, knowledgeable individuals. A new level of confidence in our Plan was the result.
We could have (and may have) gone forward with this project with a less complete Business Plan. However, through YBDP and the BAB sessions, we feel that the likelihood of a successful venture has increased dramatically. We highly recommend this program to others who are finding themselves with similar challenges in a venture that they are trying to bring to fruition.
« Hello Olivier,
The BAB that you facilitated and organized for us from Nov1-3 at Kluane Lake was very valuable to us. The advisors you recruited were superb. In preparing for the BAB, it was good to look at how our business had evolved over the last 5 years. We are in a much stronger position that we were 5 years ago. This session was a good time to explore a variety of options. I feel much more confident with our decisions after the discussions with the group. The level of personal vision you bring to the process is greatly appreciated.
Sian and Lance »
« Hi Olivier,
Just wanted to thank you very much for your great work and helping make this all happen.
I found this program very beneficial for our business.
I liked from the beginning how quickly things progressed. Business moves fast and the YBDP is clearly designed to keep up.
I also liked that a social component was built into the program and that we got to know the visiting experts better before diving head first into the business session. This made for a much more comfortable atmosphere since we had a chance to build a rapport.
All in all I’m very satisfied with the program and look forward to implementing some of the suggestions and possibly having another BAB at some point in the near future.
Thanks again,
Kyle »
First of all, thank you for organizing the BAB session and the participants
for all their input and assistance.
The BAB session worked well, and will help us in modifying our recruitment
strategies / HR. It gives us short and long term goals, in HR and in
design, leading us towards design for manufacturing.
Julien Plourde
Project Manager, I&CS”
“Hi Olivier,
Thank you so much for your support and confidence! It means a lot to me.
“Hello Olivier,
First of all, thanks for a great BAB session! It was great to speak in person to industry professionals about the obstacles and challenges we face while operating a small Yukon business. I think this was very helpful for me personally and for us as a company and we are very excited to continue learning and growing through your program.
Mark Stenzig”
“Hello Oliver,
Thanks again for organizing the first BAB session so quickly. I am excited to finally have this process underway and also to see the report with the first set of recommendations. I think this will be a wonderful first step towards running a more organized, streamlined, efficient organization. It is my hope that Karen’s recommendations will help us with staff recruitment and retention while Dennis’ feedback will allow us to sharpen our focus to make the balance of 2011 profitable.
I enjoyed the process very much and feel that it was helpful to identify some of our initial challenges or hurdles to overcome. I sometimes wonder if the second day would have been better if we had stuck to an established agenda but I also know that sometimes wonderful things can come out of a “free form” open discussion as well.
Thanks again for getting this program started and we’re looking forward to our next BAB session in May!
Best wishes,
“YBDP has been invaluable to us during a period of rapid growth. By assembling various advisory boards over a period of time, our company was able to tap the expertise that we needed when we needed it. It is one of the most beneficial government program we have been involved with.
« Olivier,
I am amazed at the people you have connections with – you have a broad reach and that will result in great advantages for Lumel.
Critical thinking and constructive criticism was so much a part of the art environment at ACAD, at times it was challenging but in the end always productive. YBDP takes that practice and applies it to the business model.
“Olivier, I am writing to express my feelings to you regarding our BAB session last week. I feel that this session was one of the best, most applicable exercises I have ever been through with my staff. The two individuals presenting were able to understand and audit our company and determine the issues present. They spoke to us and explained the information in a manner that we could understand and relate to. We are excited about the Lean Thinking Deployment Strategy as well as the Continuous Improvement initiatives within KAIZEN. We have some work to do within our own departments before we move forward, but after hearing the process and how simple some of the ideas are we are ready to begin.
Thanks again for your help on this project!!!
« Hi Olivier,
The session was exceptionally helping in developing a focus. We know that there will be many items sent our way in a couple weeks, but we already have a sense of a starting direction.
Inga and Gerry have a wealth of knowledge and that came across with every question and comment. Again, I want to mention how much I appreciate your facilitating, you have the capacity to know exactly when a guiding voice is needed and the right questions to ask.
The casual atmosphere developed in the first day and made for a much stronger second day, than if we went directly into meeting mode.
Many thanks! Lu and Shanta »
« Hi Olivier,
As explained to me, I found the concept of helping companies for several years with recurring BAB meetings an exciting proposition. I think there are many programs in Canada that offer advice to start up companies but I’m not so sure that they do such a thorough job.
I found that the whole experience was well-planned. We got to visit the Farms, and talked to Kyle about them. We were able to have general discussions at dinners and at the agriculture event. The existence of the BAB documents prior to the meetings and the visit helped get my mind around what the Yukon Berry Farms was proposing to do and allowed me to think of several areas to give advice.
Surprisingly, the day of the big business advisory Board meeting was not boring and allowed ample time for discussion and thinking through various aspects of the business proposals. By having a mixture of participants in the business, personnel running the program, and outside experts I think we were able to come up with some pretty good ideas and suggestions.
I appreciate the hard work that went into arranging all this that Olivier did. I also appreciate that he took time to show us a few sites around Whitehorse which helped create a more friendly atmosphere. The experience certainly made me feel willing to participate in such a program in the future if my expertise is needed.
Dr. Bob Bors »
“ Hello Olivier
The advisors were very well suited to address our immediate and long term needs. We gained valuable tools for measuring costs and efficiency. The marketing brainstorming was useful an will need some further refining. I look forward to the reports to assist in this and to develop our target groups on our return. We are boating the plane now. Thank you for organizing this session.”